How To Start A Successful Baking Business At Home (Kenya)

Joy Waweru | 1 year ago
How To Start A Successful Baking Business At Home (Kenya)

A home-baking business is one of the most viable ventures to start at home whether you are a stay-at-home or have an eight-to-five job. Besides the fact that the initial capital is relatively small,the profit margin is also pretty decent.

•Narrow down in your niche -as a beginner, you need to identify your target audience as well as your ideal baked product.

For example, you can choose between donuts, cupcakes, cakes, cookies ,bread, or brownies.

Availability of market and production costs should inform the niche you pick.

 •Be consistent in the recipe you use. Customers always come back for the experience they loved.

•Price your products correctly-product pricing is extremely important for your business to thrive. At the end of the day you need to make profit in order to stay afloat .While pricing your goods take into account the cost of ingredients, production costs such as electricity and water,, depreciation of tools, labour ,cost of delivery and the profit margin.

Ensure you do proper accounting at the end of every financial period to track business performance.

•Acquire basic baking equipment-Unlike cooking or grilling,in baking measurement of ingredients  needs to be done to precision. One wrong measurement the entire cake will be flawed. To start with you need a weighing scale,an oven,baking tins a whisking equipment(manual or electric) and decorating equipment.

•Diversify your portfolio /product base-This is a general business rule. Once you master one product, it is prudent to work on another recipe so as to widen the client base and consequently business revenue.

For foundational knowledge enroll for classes. You tube tutorials are at your disposal as well.

•Marketing and Advertisement-In addition to producing great products, you need to put the word out there about your business. Social media is not only impactful in marketing but also in customer service management. Other marketing avenues are websites, paid advertisements, and word-of-mouth referrals

•Obtain Required Permits-Luckily you can now register your business online through the E-citizen portal. You are also required by the government to acquire a business permit that is renewable annually from the county government.

Required licenses include: a  food handlers certificate , a health certificate and a fire certificate.

•To make that extra coin you may also venture into tutoring and mentoring other upcoming bakers.

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