How Not to Get Hacked in Kenya

Joy Waweru | 1 year ago
Cybersecurity-how not to get hacked in Kenya file:courtesy

Cyber-security is a big challenge amongst internet users but most especially in third world countries. The internet is one big and open space. Data on the internet is therefore susceptible to access to third parties if not properly protected/restricted.

Hacking could see sensitive data land into the wrong hands, stealing of identity, and even loss of money through unlawful withdrawals.

Here are tips to ensure you are safe from  hacking

1)Do not click on suspicious links- before clicking a link check on the security of the site. It should always be HTTPS and not  HTTP.

The HTTP site means that all data you send is not secure and can therefore be accessed by anyone.

This in and by itself is not a fool-proof measure, if computers on the other side are also hacked, your information could as well be accessible to third parties. However, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

2)Download only from credible sources

Take extra caution when a site asks you to download anything. This way you will not download viruses or third-party extensions that monitor your browsing, and passwords and eventually hack your accounts.

3)Use strong passwords

For different apps and sites ensure to use a strong password that is hard to guess by a super-hacker. Include characters such as hyphens, exclamation marks, and a combination of letters and numerics.

While at it remember to use multiple passwords to access different sites. This way, once a hacker successfully gains access to one of your passwords they do not automatically access all your sites.

4)Enable two -factor authentication-this one adds extra security beyond using your password. Use this for your social media and emails. A login code or permission to grant access is normally sent to your phone.

5)Log into accounts using your own device- remember to log out if using public devices.

6)Review app permissions to know the exact rights you are allowing to give out.

7)Install antivirus software- Install anti-virus software from reputable companies only. These software alert you when you visit questionable sites and when you receive spammy content.

7)Avoid public and unsecured wifi-everything you send over public wifi can be intercepted and spied on.

8)Update everything-Apps and softwares are always working round the clok to debug security issues .Use the latest versions of software and apps

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