Qatar World Cup 2022 Travellers Guide: Rules and Regulations

Joy Waweru | 1 year ago
Qatar World Cup 2022 Travellers Guide: Rules and Regulations

Football fans ditching their screens to travel to Qatar for the November 2022 World Cup have been given stringent rules and regulations to follow while in Qatar.

Travel advisory from the United States has issued a notice of code of conduct that must be adhered to in line with the culture of Qatar.

Covid -19 Measures-Football fans traveling to Qatar must undergo a mandatory test despite being fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before entering the country.

PCR tests taken within 48 hours and rapid antigen tests taken within 24 hours before entering the country will be permissible.

While using public transport one will be required to wear masks.

Health Covers-Visitors to Qatar will be required to pay for health insurance to cover the period in the country. The health plan will cover basic services such as emergency treatment and accident treatment.

Consumption Of Alcohol-Alcohol is illegal In Qatar. It is strictly available to adults who are above 21 years of age,non-Qatari residents, and non-muslim. Drinking in public is prohibited and could lead to deportation

Clothing -Qatar culture dictates that both men and women cover up and be modest in their dressing. Entry will be denied to some places if the dressing is found to fall short of the set standards.

Smoking-Cigarette smoking is legal in Qatar. It is however prohibited in public spaces. Those found smoking in public spaces will be fined heftily.

Homosexuality and LGBTQI-Homosexuality and same-sex marriages are prohibited in Qatar. As such country’s authorities criminalize the offenders under the peal code 2004. Doubts have been raised about the safety of the LGBTI community.

“The Qatari people will receive with open arms football fans from all walks of life.” top officials assured.

Other criminally liable activities in Qatar include organizing protests, advocating for atheism, and critiquing the government and the Islam religion in speech.

Journalists and content creators will also be required to have certain permits to use their photography and videography equipment. Freedom of expression and freedom of expression is limited in Qatar.

Some medications are prohibited in Qatar such as strong antibiotics and stimulants. Travelers should travel with their prescriptions if possible.

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